Originally Posted by beavercrew   


 企繰旋昔.. 掻娃 左壱脊艦陥..^^;


 廃疑照 穣汽戚闘亜 鞠走 省精依旭焼辞 拙穣掻昔 渋軒匂綜研 臣験艦陥.


 何軒亀 呪舛背醤馬壱.. 唖曽 壕井級引, 逢唖嫌税 汗界聖 旋遂背 坐醤畏柔艦陥..せ




 匝嬢亜澗 巨汽戚研 郊虞左悟.. 原帖 煽税 呪誤戚 匝嬢球澗 笑酵姶聖 胃巨悟! せ


 陥級 毘球獣畏走幻  巷繕闇 刃失背醤杯艦陥!!^^


 益軒壱 娃幻拭 什塘軒研 敗臆 臣形詐艦陥 せ


 慎嬢獄穿精 薦庁姥叶級掻 亜舌 慎嬢研 設馬澗 橿汐拭惟 採店梅柔艦陥..


 庚狛戚 堂鍵採歳戚 弦聖暗虞壱 源馬檎辞 角移爽掩掘 鉦娃 案舛精 桔艦陥 せせせ




 砧腰属 戚耕走澗 1000波漆戚艦 適遣馬獣檎 設 左析暗森推



 益軒壱 弦精 採歳戚 採膳馬走幻.. 益掻拭辞 働備 因奄据悦狛拭 淫背 繕情戚 古酔 琶推杯艦陥..;


 薦亜 硝奄稽澗 韻唖兄綜稽 痴慎廃 燃井精 菰軒赤澗 壕井繕託 斐鹸馬惟 左戚走 省壱, 識誤馬惟


 蟹紳陥壱 硝壱赤柔艦陥.. 煽税 原走厳 渋軒匂綜拭.. 因奄据悦狛聖 隔嬢醤拝走 渦舌備 壱肯戚 桔艦陥..;け;







       " 籍嬢獄鍵 政弘聖 達焼辞  "



焼爽 神掘穿,


宋製税 穿戦聖 魁原帖壱 穿室域澗 汝鉢亜 達焼尽陥.


穿走蝕税 乞窮 曽膳精 馬蟹税 浦舘焼掘 搭析鞠醸澗汽, 益級精 什紬杷紳 曽膳, Turbulent 心陥.


益級精 暗張壱 引維廃 穿燈拭 Turbulent虞澗 戚硯生稽 災軒錘 是企廃 曽膳戚醸陥.


馬走幻 袴蟹胡 耕掘税 悪径廃 袴重曽膳税 督雨沙管生稽 昔背  


暗企廃 椙筈税 走遭戚 析嬢概壱, 益 中維戚 引暗獣企拭 猿走 耕帖惟吉陥. 


椙筈税 脊姥研 重雁生稽 乞獣壱 護拷鰍娃 汝鉢研 走佃紳 什紬杷紳膳拭惟 是漠戚 達焼紳陥.


政弘聖 掻宿生稽廃 端域旋昔 繕鉢亜 巷格走壱, 政弘税 析採亜 椙筈紗生稽 察形級嬢亜獄携陥.


唖 走蝕税 曽膳級精 歳葛梅壱, 授縦娃拭 暁陥獣 宋製税 穿戦戚 獣拙鞠醸陥.


切重税 莫薦級拭惟 穿戦聖 限延辰,


曽膳税 誤森研 是背, 籍嬢獄鍵 汝鉢研 是背,


政弘税 沙乞柔聖 鞠達奄 是背 伐薦人 悦是企亜 送羨 析益君遭 椙筈照生稽 級嬢亜惟吉陥.



To find lost artifact


Long time ago, the war of death was ended and the peace came up to the world. Races of all districts


were united under an army corps; they were Scorpions, Turbulent. They were enjoying wild and


extreme battle, the greatest races called Turbulent. However, the earthquake of Wormholes occurred


because of destruction instinct of strong machine races of the long future, its shock gets exposed to the


pastime period. A menace come to the Scorpions who were protecting the entrance of Wormholes


 as god to keep peace over the hundreds years. Systematic harmony centering on artifact are destroyed,


the part of artifact was sucked into the Wormholes. The patriarch of each districts was upset, the war


of death was started again in a flash. The emperor (Overcrow) entrust his brothers with the war, he get


 into Wormholes with his Royal Guards for the honor of races, the lost peace, recovering original artifact.


戚薦 奄娃戚舛源 杖原害走省紹革 ^^ 益疑照 舛源 呪壱弦紹陥. 格亀 戚薦 原走厳 曽鋼爽研啄聖凶亜鞠醸姥蟹. 蒋辞源廃 託板 穣汽戚闘亜 巷担 奄企鞠澗姥蟹....益軒壱 笹戚 壕井引 敗臆 陥献笹税 竺舛戚 赤澗暗虞檎 蝶遣楕税 爽韻聖 舛軒馬檎辞 蝶遣聖 壕井紗拭 康粕左澗依亀疏聖依旭姥蟹....蝕獣 魁戚左戚澗 獣奄拭人辞亀 神獄滴稽酔税 是遂精 走張匝聖 乞牽革 ~_~ せせせせ 魁猿走 鉢戚特戚陥.`!!